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White hat SEO


White hat SEO

SEO is so mystified and so misunderstood. Getting your website organically ranked by search engines is one of the toughest digital marketing challenges companies face. Two main factors contribute to your site’s SEO ranking: Relevance. Authority.

Relevance comes creating content on your site that matches keywords your target audience searches for. Authority comes from white hat link building.

White hat link building involves getting a lot of inbound links (backlinks) from other high-authority sites to a particular page on your site. Google considers high-authority backlinks as votes of trust for your site. Higher traffic sites have higher authority (think NYTimes, CNN).

The more quality backlinks you get, they higher your organic search ranking. To get quality links, you must produce quality content that quality sites want to link to. Create relevant, useful, educational, shareable content. Use techniques like article submissions, guest posting, and blog commenting. Look for your competitors’ backlinks and try to get links from those sites. Actively submit your site to web directories.

A solid  digital marketing expert will help you produce relevant content and get you high-authority backlinks. It doesn’t happen over time, but the process works for the patient and determined.

Written ByDavid Murphy

David Murphy is a writer who specializes in search engine optimization, website design, and information technology. With over 10 years of experience working in the tech industry, he provides practical tips and advice to help small businesses and entrepreneurs improve their online presence. David has authored numerous articles and eBooks on topics like increasing website traffic, speeding up load times, and integrating analytics. His passion lies in making complex technical subjects easy for the average reader to understand. When he's not writing or researching the latest in SEO and web development, David enjoys hiking, camping, and exploring the great outdoors near his home..

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