Google has increasingly become better at providing the results that users need. Even if you cannot remember the exact name of the item, you are looking for or misspell it, Google will still deliver the research results you need. How does Google do this? It uses what are known as entities. In this article, we will explain what is entity SEO and why it matters in your SEO efforts.
An entity in SEO is anything that can be defined. This can be a place, noun, or thing with unique and identifiable characteristics. It does not have to be a physical thing in nature as an entity can also include an idea.
In simpler terms, an entity in SEO is a singular, distinct, and well-defined thing or concept that a search engine like Google recognizes and understands. It could be an abstract, person, place, event, or even an organization. Entity SEO thus goes beyond words to include contextual meaning that search engines use to deliver relevant search results.
Although keywords and entities are quite similar, they function differently in the world of SEO. On one hand, keywords are the specific phrases of words that searchers use in queries. On the other, entities represent concepts that users are interested in and have relationships with other entities.
Suppose you use the keyword apple in your search. It could be a fruit, a tech giant company, or even an e-commerce website. If instead, you use the phrase New York, the entity could represent the city of New York, the U.S. state of New York a famous person named New York, or a search for something local in New York town in Texas.
With entity SEO, Google can deliver the exact results based on the intent and actual context. These key differences are what enable search engines to produce the results you are looking for even if you misspelled a word or missed a keyword in your search query. Google will use surrounding information, location, past user searches, and other factors to process your search term.
Entity-based SEO enables Google and other search engines to connect user search queries with the current meanings of what they are interested in. This helps to improve the search engine results, ensuring they are both relevant and more accurate.
Entity SEO matters because entities help search engines like Google see the whole picture in a search phrase and not just the keywords. The entities ensure that the search results produced are context-based and not just keyword-based.
Optimizing entity SEO can improve the search visibility of your content and overall user experience. Depending on the context of your message, you can create entity-based content that is more relevant and valuable to your audience.
When Google and other search engines view your website as an authoritative entity for specific topics in your niche, they are more likely to show more of your content. This can lead to an increase in your search engine ranking for specific target keywords.
Many SEO experts understand the need to shift from keyword-based SEO to entity SEO, especially in generating leads. Traditionally, SEO used to be just about keyword optimization. By strategically placing the exact keywords that users are searching for throughout the content, you had higher chances of ranking higher in search engine result pages (SERP).
The evolution of search engines has made it necessary to create content that is optimized beyond keywords. With the advances in machine language and natural language processing (NLP), search engine algorithms now understand content better. They prioritize entities and their relationship and not just the keyword frequency when producing results.
By shifting from keyword SEO to entity SEO, you ensure your content is relevant and in-depth. Instead of focusing on keywords that could lead to stuffing, you focus more on the value that the content is offering the intended audience. Search engines will be able to understand your content better and show it to the people who are actually interested.
Search engines use entities to understand content and rank your website. Although your SEO strategy could be great in optimizing the content for keywords, entity SEO goes beyond keywords. By allowing search engines to see the bigger picture, an entity-based SEO strategy can help rank high now and in the future. At Nvent Marketing, we optimize websites for entity search, strengthening the connection between keywords and users’ search intent. Get in touch with us today for a customized SEO strategy and future-proof your rankings.
David Murphy is a writer who specializes in search engine optimization, website design, and information technology. With over 10 years of experience working in the tech industry, he provides practical tips and advice to help small businesses and entrepreneurs improve their online presence. David has authored numerous articles and eBooks on topics like increasing website traffic, speeding up load times, and integrating analytics. His passion lies in making complex technical subjects easy for the average reader to understand. When he's not writing or researching the latest in SEO and web development, David enjoys hiking, camping, and exploring the great outdoors near his home..